In this article, we will be discussing segregation, factors causing it, and different methods to avoid it. So, now the question arises what is segregation?
The segregation of concrete is the failure of newly mixed concrete. Segregation is a term when the particles which are present in concrete, cement, sand, and their aggregates get separated from each other during handling and placement. It is usually caused by excessive vibration of cement
In concrete technology, segregation is of three types:-
Separation of Coarse aggregate from the concrete mixture,
Separation of Cement paste from the concrete during the plastic stage
Separation of water from the concrete mix (Which is also called as Bleeding in concrete)
Some other factors causing segregation in concrete are:
Transporting concrete mixtures for long distances.
The poorly proportioned mixture, where the adequate matrix is not there to tie up the aggregates.
Dropping concrete from more than 1m high can cause segregation.
Vibrating the concrete for a long time can cause segregation.
To reduce segregation in concrete the workers need to follow these measures :
The concrete water-cement ratio must be in the limit.
The freshly prepared concrete mixture should not be too wet nor too dry.
Do not place the concrete to its desired area from an elevated height.
Concrete transportation should be done properly.
Select the shortest route for the transportation of the concrete mix.
The vibrator should be used in concrete for the proper time, neither too long nor too short span of time.
The formwork must not be loose.
Do not vibrate the formwork.
Do not allow concrete to flow.
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